Title searches and examinations are crucial parts of any real estate transaction. A title search is a process of reviewing public records to determine the history of ownership and rights associated with a particular piece of real property. Title examination is the process of analyzing the title search results and determining whether there are any issues that could affect the buyer’s ownership of the property.

Title searches and examinations are important because they help to ensure that the buyer is purchasing a property that has a clear title, free from any liens or encumbrances that could affect their ownership. Without a title search or examination, the buyer could potentially be purchasing a property that has a clouded title, which could result in legal disputes and financial loss.

Moreover, in many cases, lenders require a title search and examination before approving a loan for the purchase of real estate. This is because a clear title is necessary for securing the loan and ensuring that the lender’s interest in the property is protected.

In conclusion, whether you are buying or selling real estate, conducting a title search and examination is an essential step in the process. It helps to ensure that the transaction is legally sound and that the parties involved are protected from any potential legal issues that could arise in the future.

Want to learn more about our title search and examination services? Visit our SERVICES page or contact Velocity title at (407) 636-2333